Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tough times

Hi, everyone. I am watching the images of the Black Forest Fire with sadness and apprehension...because we are some of the people who are evacuated. I hope our neighborhood and our house are ok.  We are also praying for our forested community.

We are holed up in our RV with an excited dog (who thinks this is an interesting vacation) and our scared cat, who would rather crawl into a dark corner and become invisible. We are fortunate to be at my brother's house, even as he is working 12-hour shifts in support of the firefighting efforts. All in all, it could be worse. I am praying that they will be able to gain ground against the fire over the next 12-24 hours so that we may be able to go home.

At some point I may be able to process all this into artwork, much like last year's "Firestorm" painting. Time will tell. Ironically, there is an artists' reception at Front Range Alliance Church this coming Friday for an art show commemorating the 1 year anniversary of the Waldo Canyon Fire. I don't know if I'll be able to attend. I hope so.

Not one of my more upbeat posts...but that's just life sometimes.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday Artwalk in Old Colorado City

Hi everyone! I hope your summer is off to a good start. I have an opportunity to show my work tomorrow, Friday, June 7 during Old Colorado City's Artwalk! Look for me at Joanne Lavender's studio, located in the second floor artist studios above Michael Garman Gallery. The entrance faces Bancroft Park.