Thursday, November 21, 2013

Snowy Thursday

We received a couple of inches of snow overnight, and more is forecast! It's a perfect day to stay in and make art. 

I'd like to encourage you to consider buying from artists this holiday season. We pour our hearts into our creations, be they handmade garments, jewelry, household items, paintings, sculpture, or other forms of artistic expression. We would love for our creations to find their way into your life or into the lives of your loved ones.

Buying from artists, especially ones living in your locale, helps to build the local economy in ways that big box stores cannot. Go ahead and do the black Friday sales, if that is your thing! But please shop small business and local art in addition to whatever the big box is offering. You'll be helping local artisans to put bread on their table and goodies in the childrens' stockings, even as you find treasures for the loved ones in your life.

Have a wonderful day!